Thursday, November 3, 2011

My Favorite Things

Hello, my name is Gaby Barajas, I am studying Medicine.
I love music, I listen all the types of music, but I love Rock music, I listen bands like My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Simple Plan, Good Charlotte and another bands in English, but my favorite band sings in Spanish and this beautiful band is called Panda; to me all music is good and I tolerate hearing any music, some people don´t tolerate all music because they say I´m a Rocker, how I can listen to Duranguense music, but for me the style of the music isn´t important. I love music and I can listen all of the styles.
Other things I like is to read, in my career I have to read a lot, and I read a lot of books of Medicine, but to tell you the truth, I really love read others types of books, like novels, I good autor of novels of I can recomend you is Julies Verene, I really love his historys, they are amazing, some of the titles of I have read are Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, of the Earth to the Moon, The Mysterious Island, and I saw a movie from a book of Julies Verne called Journey to the Center of the Earth. Another Autor of I love read his books is Gabriel Garcia Marquez I have read El coronel no tiene quien le escriba, El amor en los tiempos del colera, and Relatos de un naufrago.
Now I would like to tell you some of the food of I love, because I love to eat! I really love mexican food, my favorite dishes are Pozole, Tostadas de lomo, Sopitos, Enchiladas and all of the popular mexican food, maybe you can imagine that I eat a lot, but I do! =) but don´t worry I have a good metabolism thats the reason why I am not a fat person.
Well this is some about me, I really hope you don´t was boring reading my text. bye =)